There is something about a New Year that quietly hums hope back into our lives.
It holds the promise of a fresh start, clean slates, a redo.
A brand new year feels like a brand new shirt that doesn’t have any stains on it yet. But the truth is, as much as we would love to start over with a fresh shirt, a lot of us are still dragging mistakes over from the previous year or it’s only three days into this brand new year and we’ve already made a mess of our goals and aspirations. (guilty)
This is why a lot of people don’t bother making New Years Resolutions because for a lot of us it can feel like just another thing to get discouraged about.
We get so caught up focusing on keeping our year and our actions PERFECT. SPOTLESS. CLEAN. that we can become devastated when we fail. But a new year is about becoming BETTER not becoming perfect. It’s about growing and dreaming and reaching and pushing ourselves towards who we truly want to be .
And that, girl, is a messy process.
It’s not going to look anywhere near perfect.
And I don’t think the mess makes it any less beautiful. In fact, the mess of your new year is a bright banner declaring that you are daring to DO SOMETHING. You can’t make mistakes if you aren’t trying something new and difficult. Your mistakes and missteps and the bruises you will get from them are just evidence of where you are striving to grow in this New Year.
Because this year won’t be “clean”. It’s impossible to keep it spotless.
You will have days where you miss workouts, eat crappy, accidentally start biting your nails again, lose your temper, forget to read your Bible, stay up too late, wake up too late, show up late, and say yes to things you should have said “no” to. What’s important is that you keep pressing on.
Don’t focus so intently on not “spilling stuff” on your brand new white shirt and forget that your true focus should be on WHAT you are spilling.
What sits before you that you are ready to dig into? Is it sweet and sticky? Warm and filling? What kind of projects, goals or habits are you looking to nourish yourself and others with this year?
We are all still trying to learn balance, priorities and how all of this is supposed to work. So Don’t worry about perfect, neat, and under control. Decide on something and DIG IN!
This year I am digging into three core areas of my life:
- This Blog and my writing overall (I will be writing daily and posting weekly and will be exploring other avenues to connect with you all.)
- My health and fitness (I have started eating better and working out for the first time in a long time.)
- My Finances (I will be sacrificing some things this year to pay down my student debt.)
Things are about to get MESSY for sure. But I’ve decided that at the end of the year I don’t want to come out on the end with a spotless white shirt. I want to come out barefooted with wind blown hair and sparkling eyes and stories to tell. I want to be able to look back over the year and say that in the midst of the rough times and the great times, I still had a WONDROUS time.
So take a moment to reflect and jump in with both feet but don’t forget that even if you fall flat on your face, you don’t have to wait until next year to get up and start over again.
Today is a new day. Tomorrow will be another new day. And that, that is all you need.
May you be brave and kind to yourself everyday this year and take time to remember that you are loved.
I also hope you surprise yourself somewhere along the way.
So now, lets kick off this year well, with grace, laughter, and a little bit of mess.