- It’s okay that you were late
- that you didn’t make your bed today.
- It’s okay that you don’t have the emotional energy to even text that person back.
- It’s okay that you forgot.
- It’s okay that you you’re afraid.
- It’s okay that you count pizza rolls as a meal.
- It’s okay that you’re not a size zero.
- and it’s okay that your boobs aren’t a size DD.
- It’s okay to wish you weren’t a mom some days.
- It’s okay to be single.
- It’s okay to wish you were.
- It’s okay that you yelled.
- It’s fine to only see you’re family every other week…or month…or year.
- It’s alright if you just want to stay home instead of go to the party.
- It’s okay to mess up at work.
- It’s okay to be mad at God.
- It’s okay to cuss.
- It’s okay to cry on your way to work.
- It’s okay to cry at dog food commercials.
- It’s okay to miss a workout.
- It’s okay to be lonely.
- It’s okay to have longing.
- It’s okay to be waiting.
- It’s okay to not know what you’re doing but to jump in and just TRY anyway.
- It’s okay to fail.
- It’s okay to breakup with him.
- It’s okay to not have a plan.
- It’s okay that you can only give a little bit right now. Don’t apologize for only being able to give so much.
Girl, we must remember that there is a big difference between WHAT we do and WHO we are. You will make mistakes but YOU are not a mistake. You definitely don’t have this big crazy world figured out but you don’t need to know everything to know that you matter and are worthy of love. You have fat but you are not fat. You may cry but you are not a crybaby. You may feel afraid but you are not a coward. What you are is strong, beautifully chaotic, and oddly captivating in the most wonderful ways. You may not feel it, but you are strong enough to stand, to stand in this truth that it’s okay. Don’t puff yourself up trying to overachieve and convince everyone that you are not a failure. And don’t shrink back into passivity giving up on ever being enough without even trying.
Just Stand.
Stand tall in the middle of the road and walk slowly and confidently in the fact that you are trying. Even on the days when you feel like you may have taken a few steps back, you’re at least on a path and you are moving. And there are good things up ahead. But don’t miss the the good things here right now. It’s okay to face where you are. Because if you keep turning away from the hard stuff of right now you are going to miss the good stuff of right now.
And right now, it’s okay.