September was one of those months.
The kind where I felt that cold cloud fall over me and I was too tired to climb up where the sun is.
And I’m sure I’m not the only one who has felt this way.
And I really hate writing posts that sound a little bit more like the journal entries of a whiny woman than a professional blog post.
But sometimes we need to drop the masks and just spill what is real, the mess that we are, becaus God is here. Yes, even HERE.
It was one of those months where I was running hard and crazy and people asked how I was doing and I would reply smiling with the knee-jerk response, “Good” as I walk away thinking, “How AM I doing??”
Sometime it seems like I rarely have time to feel anything. And the truth is I am probably a little scared to…
Because when I’m able to sit down and catch my breathe and listen to my heart beat what often feel is empty.
This crazy woman here has been living too much like a humming bird, doing an awful lot of flapping and going nowhere fast. And that kind of living can make you run low real quick.
And there is only so much we can do
But the one thing we can always do is turn to him.
So this morning I snuck away to our back yard. Sometimes you just got to breathe in the air that’s outside to feel closer to God. I took my breakfast and my Bible out to where my mother has set up a little table with chairs and an umbrella and has hung a tinkling old wind chime above it all.
And my moms got a knack for carving beautiful spaces out of chaos. Grace in the midst of mess.
And this is hope.
This is meeting God right here in Autumn air in the middle of our back yard.
Because my soul may look like a mess and I feel like a stuttering apology of a person but God has still carved out spaces of beauty in my life.
And today was a day to remember that. While yes, this is a season of exams, essays, and late night shifts at work. Exhausted mornings and the constant reading and staying up until midnight to write a paper on the importance of the tank during World War I. Its a season where I don’t read my Bible every day and some days my only time alone with the Lord is in my truck on the way to the train stop.
But in the midst of all that are the tinkling wind chimes of beauty.
It’s a season of midnight ice cream runs with siblings and whipped cream melted all over my sisters arm and my truck and us laughing. Of praying with friends right out in public because their hearts been clean ripped out and smashed. Of girls nights out where you didn’t realize the place you had planned for dinner was so fancy it required reservations and you walk out laughing. A season of being woken up every morning by a brothers French horn practice. Coming home to the smell of my dad making pasties and getting to talk about everything with my mom. It’s a time of Zumba dancing with my girls, deep life talks under my favorite tree on campus, and doing homework at noodles and company because we like how it smells so good.
And some days, as much as I can’t wait for it to be over, I realize I’m going to miss ALL of this more than anything. I know I’ll miss the good old days when the biggest thing I was stressed about were exams and paying for gas.
I’ve been a fool. Trying to take everything into my control and be everything to everybody. I forget that hurry makes me hurt.
And we can’t run with the worries of this world and also walk alongside our God.
So I’m taking a step back from busy. I’m giving thanks and saying no to people more and trusting God with more of my steps.
If you feel yourself being suffocated by your to-do list, take some time, even for five minutes, to just sit and breathe and notice all the small graces of this world. Our God gives us so much and we often miss it because we are stressed and scared and think we don’t have time.
But at the end of your life you will have wished you’d rolled the windows down and blasted the radio more often. So take some time to smile, eat dessert, and give thanks for all of it. They say there are two types of people in the world, those who see the glass as half empty or half full. What if we could be the third kind of people? People that simply see the glass a gift that’s beautiful.
“Promise me
you will not spend
so much time
treading water
and trying to keep your
head above the waves that your forget,
truly forget,
how much you have
always loved
to swim.”
Tyler Knott Gregson
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