It’s Winter and basically Christmas and the days have grown shorter and in a way, quieter. It’s a time where the trees have let go and will now rest for a season.
The weather and lack of daylight almost forces me to rest as well which is so hard for me. Just like we must sleep each night, our minds and souls need time to rest and reset. Especially in today’s culture where our consumption level is up. Every scroll is like bringing more stuff into your brain and when do we ever get to clear it out? I feel like we have unconsciously become mental hoarders. When do allow yourself time to detox from the internet? When do you let your mind clear? Also, why are we so addicted to the hustle? Nothing in nature blooms and produces all year long, so why do we feel like we have to? Why is it so hard for us to pause, let go, and rest for a little while?
As hard as it is for me, that is one of my goals this winter. I want to stop and sit with myself. I want to embrace all that I am, flaws and wounds, and all. I will not be afraid of the silence or my own thoughts. I want to spend time at the feet of My Father and be reminded of who I am and of how loved I am here and now as I am. I don’t want to get so caught up in surviving and striving that I miss the beauty of every single day. I think back to little girl Brittany who was outside most days. I would watch squirrels and listen to the trees and read about animals and dream up stories and have conversations with made-up people and write and write about all that I saw and imagined. As a little girl, I thought there was so much beauty in the world and I realized a few years ago THERE STILL IS.
The days have not stopped being magical just because I stopped noticing. 2020 has been an interesting year for all of us but one of many takeaways is that our heart’s posture has a lot more to do with how we experience the world than our environment. I read a lot of books over quarantine. Books about women and children and characters who created beauty and magic in the worst and loneliest of places. Prison, concentration camps, divorce, infertility, a strange country, jobless, and extremely busy. The world waits for no one and time is flying by whether we like it or not.
Life is so short. I want to look back on my 20’s like I look back on my childhood. I want to smile when I think about these years. I don’t want my days to be filled with stress and anxiety and to-do lists and chores and worry. I want laughter and delicious food and bubble baths and the way Autumn smells and the taste of Mexican hot chocolate. I want Christmas lights downtown and starry mountain skies. I want songs blasted loud on long drives and long kisses and dancing while doing dishes and phone calls with friends and funny tik toks and selfies. I want parties and memories and friends holding hands as we walk and laugh maybe a little tipsy or just tired, it’s hard to tell which. I also want to pretend. I also want to create. What happened to those days when you would just wake up and you didn’t have a strong awareness of your body or how you looked and you just lived? Back when we all sang at the top of our lungs and didn’t worry about whether we were “good” at singing. When we all drew pictures and thought THEY were the dumb ones if they couldn’t see that it was CLEARLY a turtle. When did we start doubting ourselves? When did we start worrying so much about what people think? When did naptime become a luxury and not a daily ritual? When did we think that our life was a result of everything we could do instead of who we wanted to BE?
One thing I realized over this quarantine is that I’ve grown up a lot in the last five years but I have also realized that I am still so so very young. Life is still so beautiful and there is still so much ahead. I want to rest more, not for the sake of resting but for the sake of soaking in this life I’ve been given. I love Christmas and this will be the first Christmas with my husband. I want to enjoy every tiny memory and detail. The trees have let their leaves go so I am letting go of things too. I am not cleaning as crazy as usual and working out has taken a little bit of a backseat for the sake of writing and reading more. At first, I was beating myself up for not being able to do it all but now I know that that is just the rhythms of seasons. Nothing in nature produces year-round and I don’t have to either. I hope you give yourself that permission as well.